What is a Home Care Package?

The government Home Care Packages Program helps you to live independently in your own home for as long as you choose to do so. The Australian Government provides a subsidy to an approved home care provider towards a package of care, services and case management to meet your individual needs. You have flexibility and choice about who delivers your care.

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How we deliver Home Care Packages

We are trained to assist you to apply for Home Care Package subsidies that you may be entitled to.

Once your application has been assessed by the Australian Government, we’ll help you work out how to get the best value from your subsidies and select and schedule the services you need.

We will

  • Talk to you about whether your package continues to meet your needs.
  • Involve you in the process of managing your package,
  • Show you where your money is being spent, through providing monthly income and expense statements.

need help to remain independent, in your own home?

Book an obligation-free appointment