Consumer Advisory Board

Incasa is forming a Consumer Advisory Body composed of clients and their authorised representatives utilising our home care services. We value your feedback and suggestions, as we continuously strive to improve our services aligned with what is most important to our community.

Why are we creating a Consumer Advisory Board?

From 1 December 2023, new Government mandates introduced require all approved aged care providers, just like InCasa, to propose the formation of a Consumer Advisory Board at least once every 12 months.

Clients and their authorised representatives are encouraged to express their interest in joining the InCasa Consumer Advisory Board. The focus of the Consumer Advisory Board will be to provide to provide value feedback on the services provided and make suggestions on the issues that matter most to our community. We are extending the invitation to join our Advisory Board to all of our clients and their authorised representatives.

Please be sure to read our Consumer Advisory Board Information Sheet before completing the Expression of Interest form below.

Register your expression of interest

If being a part of our Consumer Advisory Board sounds like someting you’d like to be a part of, please complete your details in the form below.

We encourage diversity, however only select an option if you feel comfortable.
How would you like to be contacted?(Required)
Interpreter Required?
Do you identify with any of the listed forms of diversity?
This information is not mandatory, however we are trying to include people with diverse backgrounds. Only complete this information if you are comfortable.
Please advise of you ability to attend meetings and contribute to the Consumer Advisory Board.(Required)